Monday 3 December 2012


The issues and challenges in integrating ICT in teaching and learning in Malaysian schools.

ü  To know the applications of ICT in education.
ü  To find and describe the issues and challenges in integrating ICT in teaching and learning.
ü  To find the best ways of solutions for faced the challengers and the issues.


           Malaysia is one of the countries that having a rapid changes in development in many sectors especially in technologies. Government had introduced a new way for education system to compete with others advanced countries in order getting fast and new information. The 21st century teachers have been possessed by ICT’s challenges for them to equip themselves with creativity and competence in using technology in classroom for interactive learning.
           Government had did a well-planned planner  to provide an successful environment of integrating ICT in teaching and learning and as they have recognised the positive impacts of ICT in education as it is enable the students, especially to be   critical thinker as searching for new information in a fast-moving world. Thus, the Ministry of Education, who is responsible for the education system has invested a huge effort in terms of funding and training in order to equip teachers and students with ICT skills, since it is one of the critical enabler of knowledge-based economy. But, in order to fully-fill the needed, some issues and challenges need to be faced in integrating ICT in teaching and learning in Malaysian’s schools.

Problem statement
The issues are confidence level of teachers, students skills and others, and the challenges are pedagogical practice, the appropriate rooms and buildings available to house the technology’s equipment are needed, technical supports and misused facilities by students, and the solutions are sending the teachers to attend an ICT course, compulsory uses of ICT equipments and blocking certain website.

The issues
            There are lots of issues in integrating ICT in teaching and learning, firstly, lacks of teacher confidence since their knowledge and skills is limited to use ICT technology. Suggestion of adopting very innovative teaching techniques such as using ICT, yet it is threatening this orderly pattern and not desirable. There is a genuine fear amongst many teachers about ICT and scepticism of its value to their pupils.
Next is insufficient ICT resources in the school or there is not enough time to review and plan lessons incorporating their use. Other than that, are unused equipments such as CD-ROM and computers due to teacher’s attitudes, or some others reasons, which teachers need to maintain order in the classroom and controlled learning environment and has no time to use the equipment in teaching and wasting the time of teaching and learning in the class.
The next issue is the student’s skills. It will be no problem for students who are in urban area, but it is a problem to rural students since they are never exposed to the computer before as the skills to use it and will affected the student’s motivation to study and the class environment no longer enjoyable.
Then, parents roles. Today's generation should be exposed to the facilities and technology that available in ICT and need guide and control from the parents to avoid children log on inappropriate website like pornography.
The challenges
            There also a lot of challenges that needs to be faced off in integrating ICT in teaching and learning. One of the challenges is due to integrate ICT into pedagogical practice because teachers need to consider whether the traditional practise can be applied into ICT. Next, the appropriate rooms and buildings available to house the technology’s equipment are needed and the internet access needs to be excellent so that students can easily use it whether in rural or urban area. Next are technical supports. When system is down or the equipments are not function, it needs to be handled by someone who is profesional on this subject, but, it will be highly cost for government to employee them. Next, misused facilities by students, which they are using the internet access for others, not for their subjects.

The Solutions

            There are some solutions for overcome the issues and the challenges for better integrating ICT in teaching and learning. First, by sending the teachers to attend an ICT course. Next is, compulsory uses of ICT equipments by the teachers or else action will be taken. Next is, by blocking certain website such as facebook, others during school times.

          There are many issues and challenges in integrating ICT in learning and teaching. Thus, the best solutions need to be taken to make the ICT in learning and teaching not longer problematic but the best way to enhance the Malaysia education.

What is ict education and why is it important? Taken on 29 September 2012 from

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